The Psychology, Tactics, and Unfortunate Results of Opposing Deities and Demigods in the Realm of DDO

Greetings, readers!

Having the Labor Day holiday off, I decided it would be a lovely chance to spend some quality time with DDO, of which I have had little time of late. Anxious to get some minor things out of the way, I logged on early and began to raise my craft levels.

A clean inventory is a happy inventory!

My crafting halted, due to insufficient essence funds, and to adventure and experience my thoughts began to stray.

Chris (@rayceroyal) and Greg were on by that time, and off we raced!

Thus, we decided to run the Lords of Dust chain: Lords of Dust, Servants of the Underdark (we say Underwear, due to the splash screen), The Spinner’s Prison, and The Rift Between.

Lords of Dust went relatively without a hitch, Servants of the Underdark also went by with relative ease. It was this quest, as always, that caused multiple characters multiple deaths, and rent our plans asunder:

The Spinner's Prison: Hello, Lolth!
The Spinner’s Prison: Hello, Lolth!

As one can see by the picture above, we eventually finished the quest. Thus, we moved onto The Rift Between!

I’ll be honest here. I’ve run The Rift Between enough to know my way around. It is unfortunate, then, that I must admit that I do not. The frequency upon which I get lost is, simply put: unfathomable.

Regardless, our beloved Dretch hosts offered up their best hospitality. This included food, drink, and even some live entertainment!

The Dretch just love to disco!
The Dretch just love to disco!

For those of you that do not already know: Otto’s Irrisistable Dance is a  great way to control Dretch Mobs.

Personally, I feel that if you use the “Disco Ball” on Dretch, the game should automatically begin playing “Macho Man” from the Village People. Something on the order of this.

The Dretch don't wretch! Passout, however, a different point, altogether.
The Dretch don’t wretch! Passout, however, a different point, altogether.

That our gracious hosts drank too much, and thereby passed out was unfortunate, but not unforeseen. Thankfully, adventurers tend to have excellent Con scores!

We made our way through the rift and into the Underdark, where the Drow did their best to ruin our experience with Spell Wards, few rares, and a demeanor most inhospitable.

When we ventured out into the sun again, our eyes beheld Eveningstar in all its beauty, charm, and tranquility.

Or so we thought…

I will post later on the adventures we had upon reaching said destination! Until then, have fun, everyone! Thanks for taking the time to read my inane drivel! Hope to see you back here again!

7 thoughts on “The Psychology, Tactics, and Unfortunate Results of Opposing Deities and Demigods in the Realm of DDO

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