Recent Activities (Argonnessen)

So every Tuesday I have been joining @marimcmillan and the guild on Argonnessen for our guild night. This has been grand fun, even if most of what we’ve done they’ve had to drag me kicking and screaming “NEVAR!” into raids.

I pretty much avoid raids because… well, because PUGs (Pick Up Groups, aka: LFM’s) really, REALLY suck!

The Red Fens aren’t very red, but the green sure is purty!

I also spent some time in The Red Fens getting S/E/R and then doing quests. Completing these quests with a group is far easier than trying to solo them, which should be rather obvious.


They did not need to do much to get me flagged for VON, as I had done quite a few of the quests already. I think only VoN2 and 4 were all I had yet to do (I really don’t do well in those two quests). We ran VoN5 easily enough, but our first try (or two) ended in complete failure.

It wasn’t until our next try with a lot of guildies assisting that we succeeded (I still died, cuz… ow).

We also ran Chronoscope, which is the only raid I really know very well. I’ve solo’ed it a few times for gear, so I enjoyed that one very much.

Never trust a demon. They Lailat.

Unfortunately, the only one of the three raids that I remembered to take pictures in was not even a raid (I think we still have to run it), but in the quest before Against the Demon Queen, I got a shot of Lailot.

I wanted very much to hate Lailat, but… redhead. #GingerNation

Yesterday we were dragged (once again kicking and screaming) into a legendary version of Tempest Spine, and Epic Hound of Xoriat. My death count was higher than usual, but I had fun none-the-less. Xoriat had to be restarted, as EH was too much for us. EN seemed just right, and extended my life expectancy immeasurably. I have to admit, for a PUG… it wasn’t that bad.

That’s it for my Argo update! I will attempt a regular weekly schedule starting now. Please stick with me as I attempt to incorporate this back into my life. Your patience is appreciated!


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